Tuesday, February 2, 2010

We are learning from NON FICTION!

This week we have begun a study of Non Fiction. We sorted the books in our classroom library into Fiction and Non Fiction and have discovered that Non Fiction books are the ones that we can learn and share information from.

Our book boxes are now half full of Non Fiction and we are excited to learn a lot of new things about a variety of topics.
Click here to see us all reading Non Fiction in our classroom.

Here are some facts that we learned today from Non fiction:

Edaphosaurus has a sail on it's back to keep it hot or cold- Cal

Comets are balls of ice- Max

It rains for more than 300 days in some rainforests- Kami

A Nile crocodile is one of the deadliest creatures on earth- Otto

Fish swim near the top of the water- Gwyneth

Tennis started hundreds of years ago- Shveta

Volcanoes can be under the sea- David

There is pressure in water- Kenneth

Koalas have sharp claws for climbing trees- Amber

Some sharks have thousands of teeth- Cole

and there is more.......

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