Friday, November 20, 2009

Hi There!

If you are reading this then you have been successful in finding our Classroom Blog. Yeah!

Please make a comment or tell us about your weekend and we will read it together on Monday morning. You can post a photo too if you like.
Here is a picture of me and my family standing in the "snow" at Tanglin mall on Thursday night. It was so funny to see snow in Singapore!

Have a great weekend!


Mrs. Clark


  1. Hi Mrs. Clark,
    I had fun on my weekend. I was cleaning up my playroom and it was fun. I haven't seen the snow at Tanglin Mall yet, but I'm going to see snow at Christmas in Michigan. I can't wait to go to Bangkok at Thanksgiving.

  2. Hi Otto,
    Thanks for being our first comment.
    I'm glad you had fun cleaning up your playroom. Did you find some old toys you had forgotten about? You are so lucky to be going to Bangkok and Michigan!! Michigan is going to be CCCOOOOLLLLDDDDDD! I hope you have some warm clothes. See you at school,
    Mrs. Clark

  3. Hi Mrs. Clark,

    I had a fun weekend. I liked the picture of you and your family in the snow. On Saturday my mommy surprised us with a trip there. We had a lot of fun and got covered in bubbles! I can't wait to go back and show daddy when he gets home!

  4. Hi Mrs Clark,

    Once I went to the snow machine in 2008 and I am also going this Christmas with my swimming suit because last time it was pretty wet.

    From Amber.
