Saturday, December 19, 2009

Holiday Party

On Friday 18th December we celebrated the start of the Holiday Season.

There were activities, a visit to santa and wonderful food to share. We ate our Christmas Cookies and they were delicious!

The activities included making snow, making snowmen and melting ice cubes- bbbrrrrrrrrrrr.

Santa was happy and jolly and took our books to deliver to the children who need them for Christmas.

Thanks to all her celebrated with us, and we missed our friends Ryan and Gwyneth.

Merry Christmas to all! Have a Happy Holiday!

Baking Christmas Cookies

In preparation for the Holiday Party we baked and decorated Christmas Cookies.

We had to measure the ingredients, mix, roll the dough and press out various Christmas shapes.

We put them in the oven and baked them for a few minutes.

When they were cool and hard, we used colorful icing to decorate them.

Thank you to Mrs. O'Shea, Mrs. Kalathur and Mrs. Janke for helping us have a wonderful kitchen experience.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Watch us Perform!

Here we are performing our Tinsel Time song. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Thankyou to everyone who came and enjoyed the Tinsel Time show today!

Our song "Santa Claus is on his way" was a real hit. We all danced and sang and played our instruments so well. It was so much fun to perform for a packed audience.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Clara was here.

Hello all. I am so happy about tinsel time. I really want to hear Ms. Joyce's class sing 'do you wanna rock at the north pole'. I hope time flies like an arrow.


p.s like a suuuuuuuuuuuper duuuuuuuuuuuuuper faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaast arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrow B)

My Vacation

Hi Mrs. Clark -

I went on a super vacation on Wednesday. I saw lots of temples there. We went to Cambodia. One temple was called Angkor Wat. The temples are almost 1000 years old.

Best Regards,


Friday, November 27, 2009

Trip to a forest

On Friday I went to a forest in Singapore with my family. I saw monkeys. I saw a baby monkey hanging on to his mother. I am holding a big leaf. I saw a lot of trees. Some were very tall.
Best wishes,

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Roller Coasters!

Today in Science we investigated the way that spheres (marbles) roll.

First we observed how they roll in a cup, and then we observed them on a runway.

We soon understood that one end of the runway needs to be higher than the other end to get the sphere to roll to the end. It was fun to make different shapes with the Foam runway and build bridges from table to table.

We then had a new idea! We joined runways together and made longer runways- this meant our sphere could travel further and that we could put bumps in our track.

Finally, we joined everyones runway together and made one GIANT rollercoaster that went from the top of the cupboard all the way to the other side of the classroom to the floor. Along the way, there were twists and turns and bumps. we had to hold the rollercoaster still so that our marble could make it all the way to the end- and it did!

Monday, November 23, 2009

COWS in the Classroom!!!

Two COWS came to visit us today and we were very excited!

COW stands for Computers On Wheels.

Mr. Kaye showed us how to use laptops in the classroom and we learned that:
  • we must carry them with two hands

  • we log on with a secret password

  • we use our finger to move the cursor

  • we can use laptops in the classroom for all kinds of things

  • when we shut down we must wait for the screen to go black

Mrs. Clark was amazed at how quickly and easily everyone could use their own laptop.

We look forward to integrating the Laptops into classroom learning, and next time we will be doing a Science Investigation using the Laptop.
If you make a comment- Tell me what you liked about using the Laptop in the classroom.
Do you have a suggestion for how we can use laptops to help us learn?

Sunday, November 22, 2009

.Show Time is coming!

Today we are going to start learning our songs for the Tinsel Time Show that we are going to perform on December 11th. We must learn the words and start to practice some actions.
We will wear Santa hats in the show!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Hi There!

If you are reading this then you have been successful in finding our Classroom Blog. Yeah!

Please make a comment or tell us about your weekend and we will read it together on Monday morning. You can post a photo too if you like.
Here is a picture of me and my family standing in the "snow" at Tanglin mall on Thursday night. It was so funny to see snow in Singapore!

Have a great weekend!


Mrs. Clark

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Readers Theater

Reading is fun! Especially when you read with your friends to share a story with classmates.

We practiced reading with loud clear voices, and used expression, to become Storytellers.

We worked in our Reading Groups and everyone had a part.
Click here to see more photos of us.
Practicing fluency helps us to improve our reading.

November Writing Celebration

Last week our class joined Ms. Morton's class to celebrate some Wonderful writing.

We have been working hard on writing stories that other people can read.

We must remember to:

  • use spaces between our words

  • write words with as many sounds as we can hear

  • use our No Excuse words and write them in a "snap"

  • Use punctuation to help readers know how we want our story read

  • reread our work and make sure it makes sense

When we do all these things in our writing, our stories become "readable" to others.

Now all our friends can read and enjoy our published work. We are excited writers!

Science- we have been rolling!

It has been fun this past week as we investigated ways things roll.

We started by rolling wheels and created our very own wheel systems. Did you know that if you have two wheels that are the same size, the wheel system rolls straight. If one wheel is smaller, then the wheel system will roll off to the side of the ramp.
We tried rolling cups too! They rolled off to the side as well, because they have one big end and a small end. To make the cups roll straight we had to join them together in the middle with tape and have the same size on both ends.
If we added weight to the cups, they rolled slower and faster and some bumped up and down.
WOW! we learned a lot about rolling!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Book Fair is coming!

We love to READ READ READ!
Save up your money because the SAS Book Fair is coming next week!

We will visit the Book Fair on Wednesday 25th November at 12:30. It will be so much fun to shop for Just Right books that we can take home, and read, and keep forever!

Moms and Dads can come too.


Hi and welcome to our new class Blog. This will be a place that we can share our Grade 1 learning. I hope you will check it often, to see what we have been working on in the classroom, and also to make comments about our learning. Everyone is welcome to contribute!