Friday, October 1, 2010

Trick Crayfish

On Friday afternoon after all our UN DAY fun we had more fun with Science.

We began our Unit of Study called Balance and Motion.

We were introduced to a trick crayfish and investigated all the ways we could BALANCE him.

We discovered that we needed a balance point and sometimes we needed counterweights below the balance point to assist the balancing tricks.


UN DAY was full of color, costumes, assemblies, food, and fun!

We came dressed in clothes that represent each of us in some way- our home, our country, our heritage. We marched together to the HS Gym to celebrate with all Primary and ECC children. Together there was more than 1000 children.

We watched the parade of Flags and each grade level sang a song of Peace and togetherness.

After the assembly we celebrated with a UN DAY lunch.

We had food from around the world and ate until we were full!

It was a great day that we shared with parents too.

Have a look at all the wonderful photos- click here.

COWS in the Classroom!!!

COWS came to our classroom to help us with our technology learning. Yes COWS!

C - Computers

O- on

W- wheels

Mr Shin- Gay and Mrs. Clark introduced us to Netbooks this week. We each got our own computer at our own desk. We learned how to care for the Netbook, how to use it and how to browse the internet. The tricky part was using our finger to navigate and not a mouse.

Science Lab with Ms. Liddell

We visited the Science lab and begun our Plant unit with Ms. Liddell. It was so cool!

We were able to begin growing seeds using cotton wool and a little water.

We hope they grow!