Monday, August 30, 2010

Our Favorite Books

We have been discovering our Reading Identities by sharing our favorite books. We learned about our interests, our home reading lives and built connections between us.

We now know that:

  • some of us enjoy animal books

  • some of us enjoy princess or fairy books

  • some of us enjoy learning new information from books

  • some of us enjoy fairy tales

  • some of us like surprises in books!

We will have to look for a lot of these types of books to add to our classroom library!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Sharing our ME BAGS

Today we continued to get to know each other by sharing our Me Bags. We learned a lot about each students special interests.
Click here to see more of us sharing.

The First 3 Days of School

The first week of school was full of new friends, and new fun.

Check our photos to see what we got up to.Click on the colored words.

We had fun in the playground.

We had fun in our classroom with reading and writing.

We learned a new Math Game. using pennies.

Monday, August 16, 2010

A new school year! WELCOME to 2010-2011!!!

Hi all new first graders! Welcome to Mrs. Clark's Blogspot.

This is a place that we can share stories, news, and events with each other, our families and friends. We can post photos and movies and make comments about our Grade 1 learning.
I hope you come here often and check out what goes on in Mrs. Clark's classroom.

We are going to have so much fun this year!

I can't wait to get started.